Journeys & Writings of Paul

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy new year: 2012

Christmas is over, winter break is over, and now it's back into the routine of a new year. That means that an update is well overdue.

Break was wonderful. I was able to work at my previous place of employment, Goin' Postal, on Shawnee Road. That was such a blessing. It was nice to have structure to my day, see the old regular customers, and of course earn a bit of cash. I went dress shopping with the bridesmaids in Haley's bridal party and we selected our dresses. I was also privileged to accompany Haley when she tried on wedding dresses. She is going to make such a beautiful bride! I will confess that I did tear up when she put on "the one".

Christmas with my family was exceptionally nice this year. I was very grateful to be able to spend it with loved ones. Below is a picture on Christmas morning with my brothers.

Me, The Little One, Boyyy, Big Brothee
Other than work and family, I filled my time with running, for which the weather was perfect, visiting with friends, baking with The Little One, helping a friend move, cooking, reading, sitting with my cat, playing the Sims 3, etc. I had the perfect balance of productivity, doing things I enjoy, and vegging out.

Someone's artistic shot of our main Christmas tree this year.

Today marks the first day of embarking on a new endeavor: being intentional about the Sabbath. I completed all my homework by Saturday night so that I was able to focus on having time to rejuvenate myself as well as reflect on God on the Sabbath. I hope to be able to uphold this trend as I get into the thick of my courses this semester.

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